My Quarantine Watchlist: Part One

Random Viewings

  • I did one episode of The Witcher partway through my Black Lightning marathon. Man, let me tell you, after several hours of serialized narrative, it was so nice to see a plotline both start and end within one episode. Toss a coin to The Witcher for bringing episodic narrative back to streaming TV.
  • I’m also rewatching The Boys when I don’t have homework or writing plans. That show is quality.
  • After Judy, I decided to rewatch Hanna, in which Saoirse Ronan plays a teen girl John Wick. I had entirely forgotten that she latches on to a British family on holiday in Morocco for a the second act of the movie, let alone that the girl who becomes Hanna’s first real friend is played by a young Jessica Barden (Alyssa from The End of the F***ing World, Bronze Medalist for Female Lead 2018). That’s a solid flick. Maybe I’ll watch the series based on it. We’ll see.
  • I have started Happy, in which Christopher Meloni plays an ex-cop hitman who is contacted by the imaginary friend of the daughter he never knew he had (said imaginary unicorn voiced by Patton Oswalt) when said daughter is abducted by a demented Santa Claus. It’s good… and based on a graphic novel from the uniquely visionary Grant Morrison (who wrote the comics that inspired the best parts of Doom Patrol) so I guess it could be in the rankings if I catch up fast enough… it’s just… I really want Nick Sax to stop screwing around and take out Very Bad Santa, but that’s not gonna happen in a hurry. Expect a report back on this one next time we do this.

For now, stay safe, stay healthy, and do your best to stay sane. Sometimes that last one feels the hardest, but godspeed. And hey, if you need company while watching stuff, hit me up and I’ll stream something over Discord for us to watch together.

Probably won’t be Cats.

Won’t… won’t 100% not be Cats.

It’s a terrible movie with almost no redeeming qualities but I think about it at least once a day, and that’s a sort of success.

See y’all soon.

Author: danny_g

Danny G, your humble host and blogger, has been working in community theatre since 1996, travelling the globe on and off since 1980, and caring more about nerd stuff than he should since before he can remember. And now he shares all of that with you.

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